Featured Artist January

Visit the PAC in the months of January-February to see works by this season's featured artist: Gerardo Mares. The exhibit is free and open to the public during all PAC events.

Gerardo Mares Aguilera is an artist in the Milwaukee/Midwest region. Gerardo created the art page Cocina de Coco Art which is intended to be a creative art space that focuses on expressing art through a cultural lens. The concept of a Cocina (kitchen) is to bring people together to share ideas, try new things, experiment, and create lasting memories. Gerardo’s art is therefore rooted in expressing his cultural identity through the use of food and natural elements centered in a traditional Mexican kitchen. Gerardo’s art is inspired by Mexican folk art, patterns, textiles and natural elements. Aside from his passion in art, Gerardo’s career background focuses on Criminology, Public Health and Education.

Cocina de Coco Art https://www.etsy.com/shop/coci... https://cocinadecocoart.wixsit... Instagram: @Cocina_de_Coco_Art Cocinadecocoart@gmail.com