School Board Meeting January 27, 2025
Superintendent Dr. Chris Reuter provided a District Administrator Update mentioning that five high school seniors were eligible to graduate after 1st semester, Mr. Jon Bell and the United Sound program at Germantown High School were featured in the Wisconsin Music Educators Magazine, and the various reports being presented tonight.
The Germantown School District Student Representative provided an update on what is happening in our schools. COUNTY LINE: Students are learning tumbling skills in PE, practicing new pieces and preparing for upcoming performances in music, and are exploring shapes by creating vibrant 3D pieces in art. MACARTHUR: Students learned about perseverance and empathy, finished up MAP testing, and enjoyed ice cream sundaes in honor of General MacArthur’s birthday. 5th and 2nd grade students performed in music concerts. ROCKFIELD: 3rd, 5th, 1st, and Kindergarten students all took field trips to various fun-filled, educational places. KENNEDY MIDDLE SCHOOL: Coordinated arts online scheduling and MAP testing are finished, the Forensics Team took 3rd place in their first meet, the FBLA team took 2nd place in their competition along with many individuals and teams finishing in the top five of their categories, and the Future City team received a special award for Best Use of Recreational Space. GERMANTOWN HIGH SCHOOL: Semester 1 exams have concluded, the Dramatic Impact program will be performing in “Six: Teen Edition” February 7th-9th, and students are looking forward to the Blizzard Ball.
Rockfield Elementary School Principal, Dr. Dana Croatt, introduced 5th grade Girl Scout Troop #1216 to talk about the musical garden that they would like to build to honor Ms. McConnell, their former music teacher.
Director of Teaching & Learning Jake Misiak shared information regarding the Germantown School District Annual Assessment Report. Our overall score was 75.9 and four stars (exceeds expectations). The report card is divided into four priority area weights: 37.6% for achievement, 12.4% for growth, 35% for on-track to graduation, and 25% for target group outcomes. The 2023-2024 report card only shows data for one year because assessments were updated for 2023-2024 and performance cut scores changed for 2023-2024. 2023-2024 data should not be compared to prior years. Other factors taken into account on the state report card are the Forward Assessment; the NWEA MAP Assessments, and the ACT, the PreACT and Advanced Placement (AP) tests at GHS;
School Board Member Kim Higginbotham shared information on the WASB Resolutions that were voted on during the WASB Delegate Convention held on January 22nd during the Wisconsin State Education Convention.
School Board President Russ Ewert shared information from the Wisconsin State Education Convention held January 22nd-24th.
School Board President Russ Ewert shared information from the Village of Germantown Planning Commission meeting. School Board member Tracy Pawlak shared information from the Park & Rec Planning meeting. School Board member Kim Higginbotham shared information from the Economic Development Commission meeting.
Motion by Barney, second by Pawlak to approve the Consent Agenda. Dr. Reuter highlighted the donations. Motion carried.
Pawlak provided an update from the January 6, 2025 Ad hoc Transportation Committee meeting mentioning the purpose of this meeting was to discuss the transportation request for proposal.
Brown provided an update from the January 20, 2025 Personnel Committee meeting mentioning the support staff compensation study, the staffing update, the teacher negotiations update, teacher contracts, and DI Contracts.
The Personnel Committee brings forward a positive recommendation to the Full Board to approve the contracts of Kelsey Myers and Maureen Warnimont to be co-managers of Destination Imagination at MacArthur Elementary. Motion carried.
Pawlak provided an update from the January 27, 2025 Buildings & Grounds Committee meeting sharing information from the JP Cullen/PRA Long Range Facility Plan presentation and the updated 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan.
The Buildings & Grounds Committee brings forward a positive recommendation to the Full Board to approve the updated 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan. Motion carried.
Loth provided an update from the January 27, 2025 Finance Committee meeting mentioning the approval of vouchers, the 2023-2024 Financial Audit Review from Baker Tilly, and the copy center device replacement.
The Finance Committee brings forward a positive recommendation to the Full Board to approve the purchase of a replacement device for the GHS Copy Center, a Konica 2100 for $34,347.15. Motion carried.
Superintendent Dr. Chris Reuter led discussions on Open Enrollment seats for the 2025-2026 school year. Motion by Pawlak, second by Higginbotham to approve zero regular education open enrollment seats and zero special education seats/spaces for the 2025-2026 school year based on the criteria outlined in Germantown School District Policy 5113, and guarantee approval to all applicants currently attending the Germantown School District, regardless of space availability, for the 2025-2026 school year. The Board does not require non-resident students already accepted through open enrollment to reapply as long as the student is continuously enrolled in the District. Motion carried.
Superintendent Dr. Chris Reuter led discussions on the overnight travel request for GHS Poms. Motion by Pawlak, second by Barney to approve the overnight travel request for 17 students and 3 coaches to travel to La Crosse, WI from January 31-February 2, 2025. Motion carried (Pawlak - abstain).
Superintendent Dr. Chris Reuter led discussions on the overnight travel request for FBLA at KMS. Motion by Higginbotham, second by Barney to approve the overnight travel request for up to 26 students and up to 3 advisors to travel to Wisconsin Dells from February 23-24, 2025. Motion carried.
Superintendent Dr. Chris Reuter led discussions on the overnight travel request for DECA at GHS. Motion by Pawlak, second by Barney to approve the overnight travel request for 20 students and 2 advisors to travel to Lake Geneva as part of the DECA GHS State Competition in Lake Geneva February 24-26, 2025 and wish them the best of luck. Motion carried.
For more information about the Germantown School District Board of Education, please visit our website.
Regular School Board Meeting — February 17, 2025